Vizrt DataPool Training
Vizrt DataPool Training
This DataPool Training is a 14 part video series on the Vizrt DataPool plugins. Taken from a webinar and broken up into 14 separate videos. In the series users are introduced to the theory of using DataPool in the introduction video. Another video in the series introduces user to the Viz Send module found within Vizrt Artist. The Viz Send module allows you to send data to the plugins if you do not have an external application to do so. Though the videos only scratch the surface when it comes to datapool, they will give an overview of use and how they may be of use to you in your workflow.
You can access the whole Vizrt Datapool Training here but these are just some of the plugins the videos cover:
- Data Position
- Data Rotation
- Data Scale
- Data Object Tracker
- Data Parameter
- Data Multi-Parameter
- Data Countdown
If you're not aware, these plugins allow you to specify certain behaviors upon the receipt of data to the plugins. So one can send a string of data to specified fields and have it affect a individual parameters; rather than writing and sending individual command lines. This means any external software can address a scene without knowing any container names or scene hierarchy.