The Viz Container FX are a series of plugins that can be dropped on a container with sub-container and have it animate on in different ways. Much like the Text FX plugins, these plugins allow you to quickly create animations for your grouped containers. Furthermore, their are several viz container fx plugins that allow you to jitter a series of containers within a group.
The container FX 2D Follow allows you to create a path with a spline, then have a series of containers flow along this path.
The container FX Alpha allows you to create an alpha animation on a series of containers.
The container FX Arrange allows you to arrange a series of containers in circle or semi-circle.
The container FX Color plugin allows you to change a series of containers from one color to another.
The container FX Explode plugins allows you to scatter or explode a series of containers on or off the screen.
The container FX Jitter Alpha allows you to jitter a series of containers with the alpha setting.
The container FX Jitter Color plugin allows you to consistently change a series of containers from one color to another and have loop forever.
The container FX Jitter Position function allows you to bounce or jitter a series of containers on the x, y or z plane.
The containter FX Jitter Scale allows you to repeatedly scale a series of containers on their x, y or z plane.
The container FX Rotate plugin allows you to animate a series of containers on in various ways.
The container FX Scale lets you scale a series of containers on using different x, y and z settings.
The Viz Container FX plugins have various settings found within each plugin that allow you to make subtle or drastic animations within your scene designs. By utilizing these viz container fx you can quickly create animations for design elements and data which can save you time in the workflow process. Using these plugins, you also get the added benefit of keeping your stage more organized and less cluttered. Instead of animating every single container or element on individually, you can use a viz container fx plugin to gracefully create animations on the main group level, thus utilizing many less key frames.