Vizrt Traning and Tutorials

Vizrt Plugins – TextFX

Vzirt Plugins-Text FX

Vizrt Plugins - Text FX Training 

Convert Case
TFX Convert Case function allows you to convert a font case on the fly. Have your font transition from small case to large or large case to small.
Mark Text
The Mark Text function allows you to single out a word and mark it.
TFX Alpha
The TFX Alpha plugin animates the alpha settings of a font container. Inside the plugin there are different variants you can change to effect the style and design of the animation.
TFX Arrange
The TFX Arrange function gives you a plethora of options for arranging text in either a circular or wave pattern. This video shows the individual settings of this plugin, which allowing you to create powerful graphics in a few easy steps.
TFX Color
The TFX Color function allows you to animate the colors of a font container. Adjust the settings to manipulate each individual character.
TFX Jitter Alpha
Jitter the Alpha settings with this Text FX. Apply it to a font container to have the Alphas of individual characters  fade on and  off.
TFX Jitter Position
Jitter the position of text characters with this TFX Jitter Position Function. Drag this function onto a font container and set your variables.
TFX Jitter Scale
Apply this to a font container and you can jitter the scaling of the font. Set dimensions, time and progress for your desired result.
TFX Rotate
The TFX Rotate Function rotates individual characters of a font. Use this to transition a font on and off. Set variable controls to have it animate in or out as you want.
TFX Scale
The TFX Scale Function, scales a font from size A to size B. You can control direction, size and text order.
TFX Slide
TFX Slide function allows you to define direction and distance of moving text. Have the text start in one place, then animate to another place on the screen.
TFX Size
The TFX Size Function allows you to animate a size change of a line of text. So for instance, you can set key frames for the font to animate from a smaller size to a larger size or vice versa. The TFX Size function animates the individual characters of the font not just the whole word.
TFX Write
TFX Write function allows you to create a write on effect with your font. Change the different variable to affect the design and animation.

Vizrt Plugins - Text FX shows you how to use each individual plugin works within the Vizrt Plugins - Text FX folder within Vizrt Artist. For more videos addressing Vizrt Plugins see below.

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