Vizrt Traning and Tutorials

Viz Ticker Introduction- Vizrt Ticker Tutorial 1

Viz Ticker Tutorial 1

Viz Ticker Introduction

This Viz Ticker Tutorial 1 introduces you to the components and theory of the Vizrt Ticker system.

The Ticker system is a on-air play out system that you can feed automated data into. A ticker graphic can scroll left or right across the screen or up and down along the sides. You need to set up and design your ticker graphic in Vizrt Artist which means you can pretty much design it to look however you want and set it up to do whatever you need. Once you have your ticker graphic designed in Vizrt Artist, you'll need to set up a ticker template in Viz Ticker Wizard. Once a template is set up in Ticker Wizard you'll play the graphic out in Viz Ticker Client. There are two types of ticker graphics that you can set up and play out and this video discusses what they are. You'll need several components installed on your machine to work with tickers and this video shows you what those are as well. When it comes to the design of tickers, naming conventions and scene tree organization will be very important throughout your scene design.

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