Vizrt Traning and Tutorials

Transition Logic Training Module

transition logic design

 Transition Logic Design Tutorial

Transition logic design is a way to develop scenes in Vizrt Artist that have built in logic. The transition logic design process allows multiple layers of graphics to be on screen at once, all while utilizing transitions to switch and display different informational graphics. Doing this logic in Vizrt Artist means a more work for the designer but that also minimizes an operators role in layering graphics.

The transition logic process is a powerful way to develop on-air graphics. The following training series teaches you the complete overview and theory of TL, then shows you how to design, animate and build scenes in Vizrt Artist, using this logic. The videos will walk you through examples of building graphics like a lower third and using Vizrt Trio to play it out and test it for on-air use. You'll become familiar with concepts like background scenes, call-up scenes, toggle plugins and directors.

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