Vizrt 4 Text FX Explode Plugin
The Vizrt 4 Text FX Explode Plugin will allow you to set an animation to replicate an explosion on a font container. The plugin editor has many various settings that allow you to adjust the parameters and the way the characters of the font animate on or off.
The Vizrt 4 Text FX Explode plugin is found in the Built-Ins window, the Container Plugins (CP) tab and the Text FX folder. You will need to drag this pluign onto any font container to get it to work. Once you drag this plugin onto the container you will see the Text FX Explode icon. Once you click on this icon it will take you into the Explode plugin editor.
Within the editor there is a Progress Percentage value. This value is what you will want to adjust to make the explosion work. To set an animation, you will need to set keyframes on this variable. With the progress percentage set to zero, hit the set keyframe button. Adjust the progress percentage up to 100 percent and you will see the text move in an outward fashion. You may notice that not all of the characters will move off of the screen. It is now that you can adjust the other settings within the plugin to get them all the way off the screen if you need to.
One of the settings that you can adjust to rearrange the animation is Opening Angle. Adjust this parameter will adjust the size of the angle thus spreading the characters out farther. You can also adjust the Angle Rotate X and the Angle Rotate Y settings to further adjust the animation. If you need additional adjustments then you can also use the Force and Force Spread percent.
The video will demonstrate the other settings within the plugin to show you how it all works.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]