Vizrt Traning and Tutorials

Vizrt DataPool Training

vizrt datapool training

Vizrt Datapool Training

This vizrt datapool training module contains fourteen videos about using datapool plugins in Vizrt Artist. Datapool is a way to design scenes to implement real-time data feeds. This vizrt datapool training will get you started with the workflow and introduce you to the vizrt datapool plugins.

This video is an introduction to the DataPool plugins in Vizrt Artist.  It introduces you to the concept of the plugins and then demonstrates the Datat Text plugin.This is the first video in a series of fourteen taken from an online seminar.

This video introduces you to the Viz Send module and how to use it to send data to the datapool plugin. It gives a brief overview of using the shell command window to send a command. Then the video explains how to do the same thing using the datapool plugins. This video tutorial also gives an overview of the Data Position plugin.

This video explains the Data Rotation plugin, by using it on a geometry object. Then sending data to the plugin you can affect the rotation.
Data Scale
This video demonstrates the Data Scale plugin. It explains how to send a number to this plugin and have it affect a geometry object.
Data Position, Data Rotation
This video demonstrates the Data Position and Data Rotation plugins, used together. Learn how to send two commands from Viz Send to change the position and rotation coordinates at the same time
Data Text, Data Scale

This video  gives a demonstration of how to make a single bar graph using Data Scalet and Data Text. Use a single geometry object and a font to to change the values with the two datapool plugins.

Object Tracker
This video shows you how to use the Data Object Tracker plugin to track a geometery’s positions, rotation or other parameters if need be. A brief tutorial on how to use the Data Object plugin to track a geometry’s position.
Data Parameter

An introduction to the Data Parameter plugin. Learn how to access certain parameters within a geometry object, then use the Data Parameter plugin to track this parameter. This video offers a good hint on how to find the name of any parameter in Vizrt Artist.

Data Parameter, Object Tracker
This is the ninth video in the DataPool series. It overviews the Data Parameter and Data Object Tracker plugins together. Learn how to track certain parameters within a geometry object, while also tracking a property of that same geometry.
Data Text, Scale (Multiples)

This video shows you how to use datapool plugins to send data to multiple cylinders and have multiple text geometries reflect the change. This scene differs in setup then the previous tutorial on creating a bar graph.

Data Multi Parameter

This vizrt datapool training video shows you the MultiParameter plugin. You can use this plugin to send data to adjust multiple parameters one one single geometry.

Data Switch
This video introduces you to the Data Switch plugin and how to apply it.
Data Selector
This vizrt datapool training video introduces you to the Data Selector plugin and how to utilize it in your scene design.
Data Countdown
Hey! Were counting down to St. Patricks Day, 20…something. Countdown to whatever date you want. This video shows you how to use the Data Countdown plugin to countdown to a very specific time, day, date…whatever you need.
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