Vizrt Traning and Tutorials

Vizrt Scripting Tutorials

vizrt scripting tutorials

vizrt scripting tutorials

Vizrt Scripting Tutorials

These vizrt scripting tutorials introduce you to the script plugin and what can be accomplished when writing scripts in your scene. Though these video just skim the surface when it comes to the potential of scripting, they give you a great base to which begin your scripting understanding and journeys'.

Scripting Introduction
This video is an introduction to the Script function in Vizrt Artist. The function allows you to write a script inside of artist to manipulate a scene. In this video, you will be introduced to the function and how it works. After watching this video you will begin to gain the knowledge to write your own script.
Scripting Tutorial 2
This video tutorial is the 2nd in the series of the Scripting function. In this video you will use the script function to write an if-then statement to manipulate a scene. The tutorial walks you through not only writing the script but also how to connect the dots between the scene and the script.
Scripting Tutorial 3
This third video in the scripting series continues to build on the earlier scripts but this time we use the knowledge to create an interactive scene. This tutorial shows you how to write a script to have an object react to mouse movement.
Scripting Tutorial 4
The fourth video in the scripting series creates another interactive scene that starts an animation. The video shows you how to write a script that will start a director when a user clicks on a certain object.
Scripting Tutorial 5
This video shows you how to use the script function to create your own control editor to manipulate objects in your scene.
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